About Mageza

Swihluke swa Ntamela Wa MAKHONGELE (u velekiwe e Mozambique vatswari ni va makwavu wa yena ava tiveki) (Mageza son of Ntamela of Makhongele's descendants. He was born in Mozabique, His parents and sibling's information is not known)

(Mageza Praise Recitation)

Mavilwa wa ka yingwe ya mavala wo hanya hi ku vhavhandulana. Vaka mamba maghena hi ncila nhloko yi kongomela vurhena, vo kohla ku tlanga va rhandza ntovano. Vaka mavuta na rithada entameleni. Vaka mageza zinyawa, mirhi va nga gezi. Vaka Makhongele


Trademark song

A Trademark song composed by Wilson Mageza while working in Gauteng during the early 19 hundreds in remembrance of his home. It was sang while him and his co-workers from the same area were traveling by train or missing their homes and families in their compounds. The composition of the song is regarded as a natural gift with no education background.

The Song

{ Far down there is my home, my home is far away. When shall I see my home so far away, Spiloken the place I rest upon } X 2 .

 Now we are traveling from Pretoria station traveling through Pietersburg right to Spiloken khaya.

 When shall I see my home so far away, Spiloken the place I rest upon.

 When shall I see my home so far away, Spiloken the place I wish to see once more.


Va ka Mageza va huma Mozambique eka Zandamela village (Originally from Mozambique at Zandamela Village)

Currently Living all over the world but mainly in South Africa

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